Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Marriage???? Wedding???? Is it for Everybody????

A few weekends ago (April 28), one of my girlfriends got married. Smiley and I have been friends for about 15 years and I was honored to be her maid of honor. Out of all her friends and her 2 sisters, she asked me to be her right hand chick for the day and I was honored. Now, anyone who knows my girl Smiley aka Smoot knows her personality...and how we became & remained friends all these years(15+) is a mystery but that's what's so unique about us. Anyway..when my girl Smoot announced that she was getting married, I had 30 days to not only get myself together, but I had to assist her with getting this affair together. My question to her first was, "what's the rush" and my second question was, "are you sure you're ready" when she answered, I knew she was ready to make the transition from "single Ms. Celie put it, I's married now."

Needless to say, we managed to get her dress, shoes, alterations, 4 hours. Smiley knows I love her to death because on my day off, I sat the whole day aside just for her...and everyone knows how I feel about sharing my time on my RDO. Next, it was a number of small things that had to take place to ensure that her wedding day was perfect, and I must agree, it was. I watched as my girl & her finace put a beautiful affair together on a small budget and little time. And I must admit, it was one of the best weddings I've been to. it leads me to believe that some weddings are really overated and they're for show. I know of people who paid thousands of dollars for weddings and are in debt the day after. Not that I have a problem with huge weddings because if you can afford it, than go for it. But I realized that a wedding is not about who's in it, how many people you invite, the menu, the venue....if two people truly love one another and want to be joined in holy matrimony, it really doesn't matter the formalities involved, all that matters is that they become one.

During the ceremony, the preacher that officated the wedding was truly a blessing. I've never experienced a wedding put together the way he did. Not only was I blessed by what he shared but I was schooled. The man broke down the institution of marriage in God's eyes and related it to the way the world sees it. He broke down the roles of the wife and the husband and it was awesome. Everyone at the wedding couldn't stop talking about how much they were inspired.

So, what I took from my girl Smoots wedding was, when 2 people are ready to become one, it doesn't matter who, what, when or where....they need to make it happen. If you don't have the support from the people you thought would be there, rest assure that God will direct you to that person who will be right by your side(I was so honored Smoot). Seek counseling prior to the marriage because it will help you get a clearer picture of what God expects. Don't get caught up in the pressure of "people pleasing" have the wedding that you want & can afford. And most of all.....get your marriage license in enough time for the ink to dry before the ceremony(inside joke....Smoot & David, I love u guys).


It is What It Is... said...

WOW! You guys look great! The dress is beautiful too. When are you going to walk down the aisle???? HMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

T.a.c.D said...

I really enjoyed this...why because I keep going back and forth, and i think a smaller wedding might be what i really want..hell I'll go to the JOP because all that really matters is the bond, the committment...i will also say that I 100% agree with you that pre-martial CHRISTIAN counseling is a MUST!
ps you two look GREAT