Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I can honestly say that this weekend I got a chance to get in touch with myself. I wasn't in any particular mood or anything, I just felt like I needed some "me" time. It did help that I wasn't really feeling main man this weekend so I didn't have to worry about him being in my space too much. On Friday, the plan was to get together with some friends for a drink, but as soon as I got home, I immediately got out of my work clothes and in the bed. I looked at TV, talked on the phone, slept, read a magazine...slept....it was so refreshing. I don't get many Friday's where I can just come home & rest.
Saturday morning started the same. Up very early to take clients and I finished around 2pm. I thought of a thousand things I could've done but instead, I decided to put on some of my favorite cd's, put on my apron and I started baking a cake and cooking spaghetti. Cooking is very therapeutic for me so...I did that, then I decided to run me a lavender bath, lit some candles, put my ipod in the docking station, and sat back in the tub and just chilled. I than put on some cute pajamas and I was in the bed by 7:30. I could not believe I was allowing myself to just chill when there's so many other things I could've been doing. I laid in the bed, talked on the phone, watched a few shows on my new tv, read & finally went to sleep around 11:00pm.
Sunday morning, I overslept for church so I called my girl Tiny and asked did she want to go to brunch, she needed to get out of the house for some "girlfriend time" so she said yes. Then we called Tarita & Nellie and the 4 of us met for brunch. It was so nice to just get together with my girls and share a few mimosas, good food and great conversation. Its always nice to get together with the girls...we need to do that more often. After brunch, me & Nellie(my favorite "shopping" girlfriend) and I went to to Marshalls. We didn't do too much damage, but we had fun browsing and the both of us left out the store with some nice pillows(lol)....that's it.
So...the weekend was very chill, I absolutely needed it, loved it and plan to do that more often. Sometimes I can just get overwhelmed over all the things that I have on my plate that I just keep moving and never take time to just chill out. After this weekend, I know I will be chilling more often.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Yesterday, I returned to the gym after not going for about 6 weeks. Going to the gym was just a part of my lifestyle....2-3 days a week I was in the gym doing cardio and some type of yoga/pilates or tai chi. I fell off the week prior to my vacation. I was so busy with packing, getting my hair done, trying to get my workload down so I could enjoy my vacation with no worries. Once I came back, the holidays were beginning therefore, I was cooking, shopping and doing everything else except for going to the gym. Then, Christmas came around and I was eating whenever & whatever I wanted, just because it was the holiday and cause I wanted too. Every week I was telling myself that I was going to start back working out again, but I was getting real comfortable coming home doing absolutely nothing so needless to say, I never made it. What's good about me is that I eat healthy...not because I make myself, but because I love healthy foods. Fruits, vegetables & whole grain products is just a part of my life...I love it.
So, yesterday, I made up my mind to return back to the gym. All day I was so excited just thinking about it so I couldn't wait to get there and workout. When I got there, the gym was packed(everyone trying to lose weight for the new year) but it was nice to see some of the people I was used to seeing back when I was going on a regular. My BodyFLow instructor was shocked to see me...she was wondering what had happened but I explained to her what was going on in the last 6 or more weeks and she understood. So, I did some cardio, took a class and now I'm feeling real good. My body isn't aching too bad but I know that once I pick up the pace a little it will.
Working out for me is so refreshing...my body really appreciates it. I sleep better, I feel better and overall I look better. I know my body is thanking me right now...I can't wait to hit the gym tonight...its on!!!!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
I have a alot of male friends who I can talk to about anything. I love talking to them because it gives me another perspective on how to look at a situation. But one of my male friends & I have been at a tug-of-war for the last week or more about a few things. We haven't really talked in a minute(mostly because we're both so busy), but the last time we spoke, we had a disagreement about something so of course I was taking his lack of 'trying to contact me' personal. So yesterday, I decided to call him to say hello. After leaving a few messages & emails, he finally responded and I explained to him that we needed to talk. Later that evening, he finally called and we had a very deep conversation. The conversation was a long overdue one that I must say I'm glad took place.
In the beginning, I found myself being very defensive but with time, I began to hear that person out and really listen to what he had to say. The convo went on like a tennis match for the first 15 minutes(that blew me) but after we both realized that neither of us were really listening to the other....we began to talk about what the issues were and within 20 minutes, I realized we were getting somewhere. My friend & I are so-oooo much alike when it comes to certain things(especially debates) and I've found that neither of us gives up until we get our point across. We've been friends for sometime now and we both have alot of similarities in the way we handle business so I can always count on him to bounce ideas & things off of when it comes to certain business & personal matters. But, when we disagree....whoa...its like a damn severe storm...the dark cloud sits over our friendship until we work it out and that sometimes annoys me. But that's what happens with friends; we can't always agree and we may not always see things the same.
So, we both realized that it was a big misunderstanding on both of our behalf...of course I was a little extra because I'm emotional(and that's what females do) but he assured me that our friendship is still as tight as the day we met, and that just because we don't agree on issues doesn't mean that out friendship is doomed and that even though we're the opposite sex, when you care about someone, their feelings do matter. So with that said, we're cool again...I really missed talking to him cause he's just one of those friends that makes me laugh in the midst of craziness, always encourages me when it comes to my success and all the things I want to do when I grow up(lol) and he's not a push-over(he lets me know when I'm wrong or gotten out of hand). So I guess we all need a friend like that and I realized that instead of reacting & brushing things under the rug, if you just talk it out....and that person is sincerely a good friend.....u should do everything in your power to work it out.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The New Year is here...it seems like I was just celebrating 2007...that means that the year has gone by so fast. I can't really say anything bad about 2007 except that it was a fast year...alot of things happened(both good & bad) but it just seems that it went by so fast. I let go of alot of things & people in 2007 and I know it was all for the best. I don't have any regrets about any decisions that I've made. I don't really make resolutions anymore...I find that I break them soon after I make them so...I just write things down and mentally prepare myself for whatever it is that I want to do, change or make happen.
With that said, I plan to coast in 2008. Live each day like its my last & do what makes me happy. I have a few things that I know that I need to make happen(become better organized, not shop as much cause I really have everything, not let little things get me frazzled, set new goals, decide what I really want to do career wise....) so I plan to concentrate on those things. I'm still on the fence about purchasing a new home....I still think I'm ready to build but I'm just not sure if its a good time(I'm so tight with money); I want to buy my X5...I'm almost sure this is going to happen real soon(I deserve it, just don't want the note); I think I'm ready to have a child(this changes every other week...not sure if I'm ready, if its the right time....); I want a new job(I normally become bored after about 2-3 years in a position)...so many things that I'm "all over the place" with but I'm sure that I'll be able to make some concrete decisions soon.
The holidays were GREAT!!! The family was back together having the time of our life. We spent Thanksgiving, Xmas Eve & Xmas together. Last year was a rough year for us, but God brought us all back together again and I'm so glad he did. Me & main man's relationship has grown stronger...still got some kinks to work out but this year was definitely alot better than last year. All my girls are still my girls....we still are growing together emotionally, spiritually & just proving that black woman can be friends without all the drama. All our lives are so busy but we still got that bond that can't be broken.
Here's to the New Year 2008...looking forward to seeing what it has in store.