Thursday, April 17, 2008

2 Wrongs...Does it Really Not Make it Right???

Its been a while since I've blogged because I've been so consumed with business, personal and everyday issues & matters. So today, an issue that I've been dealing with for sometime has surfaced and caused me to 2 wrongs make a right? Hmn...I do believe in karma and I know that a persons actions to something or someone(I guess both good & bad) will always reappear somewhere in that persons life and a consequence will eventually have to be served but sometimes I can't help to practice..when someone does something to me, I normally like to give them what they gave me. I'm not very good for waiting for that person to receive their "payback" or consequence, I want to be right there while they're experiencing it or I want to be sure that they feel what I once felt a from the result of something they did to me. I know that it isn't right, its not my call but I'm learning to try and not be so vindictive when it comes to certain matters.
Recently, I've been going through a series of emotional breakdowns and I'm realizing that when I feel like I'm giving my all, the results aren't always what I expect. I've been told before that I have very high expectations of others(probably because I have very high ones of myself) and that's why alot of times I get let down. I'm learning that everyone isn't going to see things the way I see them; everyone isn't going to agree with what I think is right; everyone isn't going to live their lives the way I think they should and most of all, life just isn't fair. So, as I go through this period of recognizing that just because someone does something that I don't like or doesn't feel right to me, there's no need for me to turn around and do to them what they've done to me, because it will only make matters worse. I need to trust that God will produce patience in my life and help me to understand that no matter how bad something may be, he is going to take control of the situation. And as long as I'm doing what is right, what someone else does will be taken care of, not by me, but by him actuality...2 wrongs really don't make it really just makes things feel ok for the be continued.