Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Random Thoughts...blah..blah...blah...

Its been a while since I've has just been like a roller coaster these last few months. Alot of things going on. Been doing alot of soul-searching. This life can bring so many different challenges whether it be personal or business. I've been trying to "clear the air" on alot of matters. I really think I'm just overdue for a vacation, but with the economy being so crazy, I'm just trying to make it. But all & all, God is good and I'm so blessed.

I returned back to work from an extended holiday weekend. I truly needed that time off and although I didn't do anything that I said I was going to do, one thing I did accomplish was getting some rest. So, my house is still not as clean as I want it to be; my refrigerator is still slightly empty cause I haven't felt like going grocery shopping; my office is still junky & my spare room is just a mess....I still enjoyed my time off. I'm sure one day soon I'll be able to get all those things done .

My sister Nikki graduates tomorrow. After more than 10 years, she will be getting her degree and I'm so happy for her. Its just the beginning of more things to come I'm sure. I'm planning her a party on Saturday and I'm already overwhelmed of all the people who are going to be attending and I haven't even been to the store to buy one thing...I'll get to it. But I am so happy for her. Go Nikki!!!!! I know how it feels to accomplish something that you have been trying to do for so long so she should be proud. I remember this time six years ago when I was graduating from of the best days of my life.

Summer is fast approaching and as I look at my calender, my summer is basically over already. Every weekend in June is basically booked with Warm Spirit functions, a bridal shower, cakes to bake...and July, that whole month is devoted to weddings, so love is still alive & kicking. I'm hoping that sometime in August I can get away with the girls for a long weekend & me & main man might be able to find sometime to get away too. We need it. Our relationship has been tested for the last few months, but we're still pressing on to make it work. We both agree that we want to work for this....we're not ready to give up on each other so...each day we're working at it...relationships are alot of work...I now know that love alone can't save it, both parties have to want to fight and boy are we fighting(lol). But I love him...thank God for that...enuf said.