Wednesday, July 22, 2009

State of Relationships...

This week has been one hell of a week as it pertains to relationships. At least 3 people I know are going through breakups/seperations from their mates. I just wonder if being in a relationship is even worth the energy sometimes. Putting my own relationship aside, I've been talking to friends who are struggling with starting their life over after a lengthy relationship, friends who are dealing with the shock of finding out their mate was cheating on them, friends who realize that their marriage cannot be many relationships that are in trouble. It leads me to wonder if it is safe to put your all into a person. We all are human and we're going to make mistakes, but to continuosly make the same mistakes over & over is uncalled for.

One of my friends recently found out her ex is getting married to his "jump-off" and that is so disturbing. How do I console a friend after something so is very hard. I don't know the right things to say because I'm very angry and I want her to be able to express how she really feels without hearing me curse & tell her how awful the man she still loves is. This is all craziness...

I also have a friend who wants to be in a relationship so bad. She feels like she's missing so much but I always explain to her that its hard work maintaining a relationship. And for her to be grateful that she has this time to get int o herself and wait for God to send her the man he has for her. That's the key, "wait for God" because in this day & time, I wouldn't trust anyone who I didn't feel was sent directly from God.

I'm going to continue this blog later because I'm still fired up and I can go on and on.