Thursday, December 13, 2007

Heavy....that's how I feel

Today is just one of those days...I'm feeling really I'm carrying the world on my shoulders. I woke up this morning feeling "not so good" but I kept it moving and came on in to work. On my way to work, I stared out the window and began to think about all the things that are bothering was kinda hard not to...just listening to my Ipod, its 5:30am, everyone on the bus is either sleeping, reading or doing what I'm doing(staring out the window thinking). Life can be so complicated at times...but I don't take living for granted....I'm blessed, it just happens to be one of those days.

I'm dealing with a variety of issues & matters, I've been just too busy to slow down and give those things some attention, but for some apparent reason, today is the day I decided to try to find some resolutions. So, I'm at work, its been a slow day, nothing really pressing and all I have is this time to think(I hate that about myself). I'm making conclusions to matters that I haven't even really dealt with, somethings I just want to be over. Then there are things that I need to happen in my life that just isn't happening...I need instant results, but I'm just not getting them. I know that I'm an impatient person and when I want something, I want it yesterday but I'm working on being patient(very hard for me).

I'm also dealing with how to deal with my emotions when it comes to certain matters. I'm a very emotional person, alot of people haven't seen this side but I'm overly emotional at times(and I hate it). I'm either over the top, crying, screaming...or to myself, quiet & withdrawn. So I'm working on trying to find a balance with my emotions. I'm also having trust issues. I find it so hard to put my trust in people, it seems that I get let down alot. I know that my expectations of others makes it that much harder for me to open up and relax, I'm working on this thing....I don't even trust myself sometimes(geeze).

I'm just heavy...there's so much going on that I need to address & handle...I've been so busy putting things aside until I found time to deal...I guess this is God's way of bringing things to light....I need to get ready to address & deal with these matters right now...but I don't feel like it but, I know I can't let them weigh me down any longer.


chocolate said...

Myc, the up side is that you're a tremendous person. When someone has you as a friend, you give your all to that relationship. One thing I know about you is that you give your all to everything and everyone. Step back and take time for MYC!!!

T.a.c.D said...

i totally understand, relate and can dig it...TOTALLY! just take your time, that's what i am about to do slow down and just take my time you know...we can go and go and go so much that a lot of times we totally forget about what it is that WE need to do for take time, think and contemplate, its that time of year, when the year is about to come to a close and you begin to really think about all the things that you have put on the back burner to deal with more pressing issues...finding the balance within self is something that we must all do and as we continue to grow up we'll find our way...we will